Growing Forward

Prayer & Fasting Guide

Download the Guide by clicking the link below:


Dear FBC Family, 

This season is a pivotal moment for FBC—a time to reflect, grow, and embrace God’s leading as we step into the future. As we honor Pastor Travis and the Mitchell family’s legacy, we also lean into what God is calling us to in this season of transition. We’re not just going forward, we’re growing forward:

FBC’s Transitional Vision: “AND”
As we enter 2025, FBC is embracing this season of transition with intentionality, faith, and action. We’re not simply waiting for the next pastor to step in—we’re stepping forward as a faith family, united in prayer and purpose, to grow spiritually and engage meaningfully with our community. Our 2025 transitional vision can be summed up in one small but powerful word: “And.”

God will bless us with a new pastor to lead FBC AND God is calling FBC into a transition mission.

FBC’s Transitional Mission: “Hands on Hearts”
More than ever, our mission is to be the hands and hearts of Jesus in Brewster, Southeast, and beyond—serving the broken, the lost, the struggling, and uniting those passionate about shining the light of Jesus.

As we step into a new chapter at FBC, we reflect on the immense blessing and leadership of Pastor Travis over the past 10 years. His faithful ministry has matured our church, equipping us with the tools, wisdom, and heart to step forward. While his departure is bittersweet, it also marks a season of commissioning for FBC—a moment reminiscent of when Jesus left His disciples, not as a final farewell, but to release them into the fullness of their calling.

Just as Jesus equipped His followers for the Great Commission, Pastor Travis’s leadership has prepared us for this season of ownership and kingdom purpose. This is not an ending but a beginning—a moment when the life-giving impact we’ve prayed for meets the fresh opportunity to step boldly into God’s plan.

This Prayer & Fasting Plan invites us to:

  1. Make space to grow forward: Lay the familiar on the altar to discern His will—not as a loss, but as an act of trust that God is calling us to something greater.

  2. Explore SHAPE (see guide at end of this plan): Discover how God has uniquely equipped each of us, FBC as a church, and how we can serve our community’s needs.

  3. Seek clarity and vision: Trust God to reveal His purpose for FBC and the people we are called to serve.

  4. Navigate the stages of transition journey (see guide at end of this plan): Honestly and prayerfully consider our individual journey through the various stages of transition.

As we each embark on this journey of prayer and fasting, may it lead to a fresh perspective, great discernment for FBC, and perhaps even ignite a new passion for community need. Whether you step into active service, offer prayerful support, raise awareness, or simply seek a deeper connection with God, let this journey be about listening to His voice and aligning with His purpose for both you and FBC. Together, let's embrace this opportunity to continue to grow forward and serve in His name.

For Jesus!

Bill & Todd

Types of Fasting

Choose a fast that best allows you to create space for God and reflect deeply:

  • Full Fast: Abstain from all food during specific hours (e.g., sunrise to sunset) while dedicating time to prayer and scripture. -> This type of fast emphasizes reliance on God for strength and focus.

  • Partial Fast: Avoid certain types of food (e.g., sweets, meat, caffeine) or skip one meal daily. -> This approach helps to cultivate discipline and mindfulness in everyday choices.

  • Daniel Fast: Follow a plant-based diet of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, inspired by Daniel 1:12. -> This fast encourages simplicity and a focus on spiritual nourishment.

  • Soul Fast: Step away from distractions like social media, television, or unnecessary activities to focus on spiritual renewal. -> This fast is ideal for those seeking mental and emotional clarity.

  • Activity Fast: Pause non-essential activities (e.g., shopping or hobbies) to dedicate time for prayer and connection with God. -> This fast helps prioritize spiritual growth over daily routines.

Daily Plan

Each day includes:

  • Scripture Focus: A guiding passage for reflection.

  • Devotional: A rich and engaging narrative or teaching, tying scripture to practical and spiritual insights.

  • Reflection Questions: Thought-provoking prompts for personal exploration.

  • Prayer Guide: Specific prayer points and a written prayer to inspire deeper connection with God.