Be Our Guest - Visiting FBC


The moment you arrive onto the FBC campus you will be welcomed into a life-giving environment. You will be accepted for who you are, but loved enough to tell you the truth about Jesus Christ and His plan for redemption in you and in the world. We look forward to seeing you. 

Here are some common questions. 

What Time Does Worship Begin?

Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. Service usually lasts around an hour.

Where Do I Park?

The church has a large parking lot.  We have reserved guest spaces close to the front door.  Feel free to park in one of those or any parking space you'd like.

What does the church look like? 

Take a 3D virtual of the church here. It's pretty cool.

What is a church service like? 

You'll be greeted upon entry and will be directed into the sanctuary where you may sit anywhere you'd like.  We begin the service with announcements, a few praise songs, an opening prayer. The children are dismissed to Sunday School and then a sermon will be preached.  After the sermon there is another song and a closing prayer. The first Sunday of every month is communion and any believer is welcome to join in.

After the service we welcome you to join us for fellowship in our cafe where we serve coffee and refreshments.

For a more detailed explanation, watch any of our services on Facebook or YouTube.

What Should I Wear? 

Where whatever you like.  You'll see a few people dressed more formally but most are dressed casually (jeans).  Wear what you are comfortable in.

How Do I Get to FBC?

We're located at 460 North Main in the historic village of Brewster, New York.

I Don’t Know Much About the Bible. Is That Okay?

Absolutely!  Regardless of where you are on your spiritual journey, FBC is place for you to explore your faith. We are here to help you take that next step.

Do I Have To Stand Up In Front Of People?

No. You will receive a connection card that we ask you to complete so that we can keep you informed of upcoming events and activities.  We'd appreciate you completing the information on the card and dropping it into one of the baskets at the back of the Sanctuary.

Will I Be Asked To Give Money?

Offering is not passed during our service.  In the back of the church there are baskets if anyone would like to make a donation but it is not expected of guests.

Are You Going To Tell Me What's Wrong With Me?

At its core, the message of Jesus is good news. He did not come to earth to condemn us, but to save and lead us into the life we were made for. So you will find at FBC God’s Truth being expressed and at times it will comfort, encourage, and challenge you to think and live differently. And that’s a good thing as FBC is a place that desires to grow in loving God and people.

Where Do My Children Go?

We love kids! We have a dynamic children’s ministry called KID CITY. About 20-25 mins into the service children (5-12) are dismissed for children's church. Our KID CITY building is located 25 yards west of the church sanctuary.  We also have a nursery available for families with infants.  Please complete the "Plan Your Visit" form so we can provide your child with the best possible experience.

Does FBC Have Any Expectations Of Me?

Yes we do. We expect you to . . . come as you are and not be perfect. 

Seriously! Perfect people are not allowed so you will find not people who pretend to have it all together. FBC is a place where God meets people who are far from perfect. Whatever your story, your questions, doubts or struggles. Come.


Who Can Tell Me More?

When you visit, we have greeters and a Welcome Center to answer your questions. The Welcome Center is conveniently located right inside the main entrance of the church. Also, for being our guest we would like to give you a welcome bag as a gift for checking us out. If you have any additional questions you can email us at or calling us at 845-279-2636.

Please let us know you're planning to join us by completing our Plan Your Visit form.